
Here you can find logos, wallpapers and pictures, free to use for whatever you wish.
As a matter of fact, we encourage you to copy, remix, use or abuse our logo, and we even want you to send that back to us!






You can buy our t-shirts from our store, which we appreciate since the money goes to The Pirate Bureau
(a swedish think tank and internet artists that once founded the pirate bay) But you can also print them yourself!
Download these .pdf files and bring them to your local printshop and have them printed on a t-shirt or whatever you choose!


A clean and laidback screensaver for Mac.
Easy install, unzip and put the .qtz file in your ~/Library/Screen Savers folder, and it will be accessible from System Preferences.

Dashboard Widget for Mac

Get the up-to-date Top 10-list for all major categories, nice and convinient.